George Davis v. Mary Young. Petition for Freedom

To the Honorable the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington.
The Petition of George Davis Humbly sheweth
That your Petitioner is entitled to freedom, yet he is detained in Slavery by Mary Young who resides within the Jurisdiction of this Court; he therefore prays that process may issue so that he may assert his rights and your Petitioner will every pray
George Davis in his proper person.
8th Augt 1809
I undertake to appear at the Trial of this Cause for the Petitioner
Henry Hiort
To Wm Brent Esq
Clerk of the Court

109 212. 241. 192 218
Geo. Davis
Mary Young
Petn for freedom
8th Augt 1809.
Filed 15th August 1809.