Rezin Ogleton v. Isaac Franklin. Answer

Septr Term 1810
Rezin Ogleton
Isaac Franklin
Petn for freedom
In this case the Defendant appeared in Court, and disclaimed all rights and title to the said Rezin Ogleton, and prayed to be dismissed. The Court under a statement of facts made by the Sheriff of the County, on oath, ordered that the petitioner Defendant shd enter into Recognizance with sufficient security in the form of one hundred pounds current money for his appearance from day to day during the Term to answer the premises — and the Defendant accordingly entered into the Recognizance with John Darnall Security
Test John Read Magruder Jr Clk
The Court, for the purpose of investigating the above subject, is adjourned till Wednesday the nineteenth instant.
J R Magruder Jr.

To Enoch M Lowe Esquire
In consequence of the petition filed by you for Rezin Ogleton I have been summoned and recognized as appears by the written certificate. The Court of Prince Georges County stands adjourned until Wednesday next in order to give you an opportunity of offering to the Court any evidence which it may be in your power to produce going to shew that the said Rezin Ogleton will be able to support his claim to freedom. And the Honourable Judges of the said Court Intimated the propriety of my giving you notice of the said adjournment and of the objects thereof. you will therefore take notice that on Wednesday next the Court of Prince Georges County will meet for the purpose of investigating the subject above mentioned.
Isaac Franklin
September 15th 1810
I. F. has disclaimed did he not own him at the time the petition was filed.
A Vanhorn
That he had no thought of petitioning until he was sold. date deft vs
A man commits [illegible] for carrying persons out of the state unless he knew him to be free. he is equally punishable if the petition is pending if acquainted with the circumstance.