Ben v. Sabret Scott. Act of Maryland Excerpt
Chap 23d.
An act to prohibit the bringing slaves into the State passed in the year 1783
Be it enacted, by the general assembly of Maryland, That it shall not be lawful, after the passing of this act, to import or bring into this State, by land or water, any negro, Mulatto, or other slave, for sale, or to reside within this State; and any person brought into this State as a slave contrary to this act, if a Slave before, shall thereupon immediately cease to be a slave, & shall be free; provided that this act shall not prohibit any person; being a citizen of some one of the United States, coming into this State with a bona fide intention of Settling therein, & who shall actually reside within this State for one year at least, to be comported from & next succeeding his coming into the State, to import or bring in any Slave or Slaves which before belonged to Such person, & which Slave or Slaves had been an inhabitant of some one of the United States, for the Space of three whole years next preceeding such importation; & the residences of such Slave in some one of the United States for three years, as aforesaid, antecedent to his coming into this State, shall be fully proved, to the satisfaction of the naval officer or
collector of the tax, by the oath of the owner, or some one or more credible Witnesses or witnesses
Negroe Ben
petition for freedom
Act of Maryland
Section 1st.