Ben v. Sabret Scott. Thomas Ray to Richard Ratcliffe

Mr. Richard Ratcliffe - Alexandria July 3rd, 1786
The negro woman named Terry. which you this day have distrained on for Taxes & Levies due you. [illegible] the favour of you to sell Immediately. together with her son Benjamin as I would not part them on any acct. I give you full power & Liberty to sell them on Friday or Saturday next at the Courthouse in Alexandria. for what they will fetch in ready money. & will Indemnify you for so doing. you returning[?] me the overplush[?] to the discharge of a Debt due from me to a certain Samuel Hepburn. for which I now am in Custody. it will answer the same purpose. & if any overplush[?] shoud. there remain in your hands. it is to be paid to me on my Order. Which will be fully satisfactory to me. & for so doing this shall be your Indemnification.
Signd. Thomas Ray
Rd. Ratcliffe [illegible]
The within signed & acknowledged in the presence of us
Signd. Wm Allison
John English
(Endorsed) - 1786. July 8th. Recd. of Richd. Ratcliffe the full ballance of sale of the written slaves Terry & Benjamin & Clear him from any further Demands agst. him. Witness my hand
Signd. Ths. Ray
Test. Daniel Carroll
his x mark
Further Backd.[?] on sd writing
Thos. Rays Rect. &c about negro child sold July 8th 1786.