Fanny v. Thomas Quandell. Petitioner's Interrogatories
1. Do you know the parties in the above cause or either of them?
2. Did you know George Roberts late of Talbott County deceased?
3. Do you know of what estate real & personal the said George Roberts dec'd seized or possessed?
4. Did the said George Roberts hold any & what land at the time of his death & what do you consider was the value of it.
5. Where is the said land situated? Who owns & holds it at this time?
6th. Did you know Negro Fanny & her children or any of them who formerly belonged to the said Roberts? Was the said Negro Fanny at any time & when after the death of said Roberts out of the possession of the said Roberts's administrators? Was she passing about & acting as a free woman?
7. Do you know of any other matter or thing in favor of the Plaintiff or Deft.?
8. State the age & names of the said Fanny's children
F S Key for Petr.
54 388 302 443 93. 145 6 260 27 23. 14 18 326. 13 350 17 2 9 4
Negro Fanny & Children
Thos Quantrill
Mr Brent,
File these & annex a copy to the Conssn. to be sent on to the Conssn.
FS Key.
Filed 12. March 1813
Copy Sent.