Daphne, Mary, Adam, Comfort, Tom, Ned, and Stephen v. Frederick Causey. Judgment Record.


Mulattoes Daphne Mary, Adam, Comfort Tom, Ned, & Stephen
Frederick Causey.

The State of Maryland. Be it remembered That Mulattoes Daphne, Mary, Adam, Comfort, Tom, Ned, and Stephen to the Court here prefers the following Petition to wit. To the Honourable the Judges of the General Court for the Eastern Shore of Maryland in Court now sitting The Petition of Mulattoes Daphne, Mary, Adam, Comfort, Tom, Ned, and Stephen Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioners are held and unjustly detained as Slaves by a certain Frederick Causey of Caroline County. Your Petitioners therefore pray your Honors to Issue Subpena against the said Frederick Causey to answer unto your Petitioners of and upon the Premisses. And that your Petitioner may have such relief in the Premisses as to your Honors may seem meet and your Petitioners will ever Pray. Robert Goldsborough Counsel for Petitioners.

Which Petition being read and Granted. It is by the said Court ordered that Summons issue against the said Frederick Causey for his immediate appearance to answer the Complaint of the afd. Petitioners which said Summons being Issued and return being made of the same by the Sheriff of Caroline County for the time being that he hath Summoned the afd Frederick Causey to appear and Answer according to the Exigence of the same Summons.

And the afd Frederick Causey by Gustavus Scott his Attorney comes and defends the force and Injury when and so forth and produces to the Court his several Witnesses to testify in his behalf of and upon the Premisses And the said Petitioners in like manner and so forth.

Whereupon all and singular the Premisses being seen and by the Court here fully understood and mature deliberation thereon had.

Therefore It is considered by the Court here That the afd Mulattoes Daphne, Mary, Adam, Comfort, Tom, Ned and Stephen be no longer held and detained as Slaves by the said Frederick Causey but that they the same Mulattoes Daphne, Mary, Adam, Comfort, Tom, Ned and Stephen be and are set by the Court free and at full Liberty from the said Frederick Causey to all intents and Purposes whatsoever &c. James Earle Clk