Charles Mahoney v. John Ashton. Deposition of James Mullikin


Charles Mahoney
John Ashton

The Deposition of James Mullikin of Prince George's County aged about fifty five years who being sworn deposeth and saith that he is acquainted with John Wheat, a witness in whose Deposition this Deponent hath been informed, hath been taken in the above Cause. That his Acquaintance with Wheat is of near thirty years standing, he having married this Deponants Sister. That so far as his Knowledge and Belief extends he is of opinion that the said Wheat is entitled to Credit and that he never heard any thing to the prejudice of his Character as a man of veracity 'till [illegible] he hath been summonsed as a witness in this Cause. and he hath lately been informed that his the said Wheats veracity Character hath been impeached by the Testimony   Testimony of a certain Nathaniel Talbott.

That this Deponant hath not seen the said Wheat for but two or three Times within these seven or eight years past.

This Deponant also saith that he is of opinion that from his Knowledge of Wheat. that he would not take a false Oath. This Deponant further saith that he resides about fifteen miles from Wheat. and and and did not frequent his House very often.

Sworn to in open court this 27 Octo 1797
Jno Gwinn Clk

This deposition to be read in evidence
Jno Johnson for Pet
W Cooke Defdt


2 1/2 sides

Jas Mulliken
(Wheat a man of good Character)

No 23

Filed the 27th day of Octo 1797.