Christiana Dunbar v. Richard B. Alexander. Summons of Basil Williams et al.


Alexandria County, To wit:

The Commonwealth of Virginia,
To the Sheriff of the County of Alexandria, Greeting.

You are hereby commanded to summon Bazil Williams, Wm Sherwood, & Mrs Alexander Hunter Francis Swann & Wesley Carlin to appear before the Honorable the Judge of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the County of Alexandria, at the court house in the town of Alexandria, on the First day of next court which commences on the Second Monday in November June next, to testify and the truth to say on behalf of Christiana Dunbar in a certain matter of controversy, still pending and undetermined, between the said Christiana Dunbar Plf & Richard B. Alexander deft and this they shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of $333 33: and have then there this writ.

Witness the Cassius F. Lee Clerk of the said Court at the Court House in Alexandria the 6" day of May 1851.

Cassius F. Lee, C.C.



spa. for Pet.

To first Day

Executed upon
Bazil Williams
William Sherwood
& Mrs Alexander Hunter Not Found
C. M. Castlewood

Jas F Westly Carlin
Francis Swann

Executed upon Wesly Carlin by Handing a copy of the to the Daughter of said Carlin who is over 16 years of age
L Peyton

Executed upon Francis Swann by posting a copy of the within at the front Door of the Dwelling of said Swann
L Peyton