Robert Trunnell v. Hope H. Slatter. Petition for Freedom


To the hon. the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, for the County of Washington.

The petition of Robert Trunnel, a free person of colour, shews to your honors that he is now imprisoned in the jail of this county, as the slave of Hope H Slatter Your petitioner avers that he is free and not the slave of the said Hope H Slatter nor of any one else.

Your petitioner therefor prefers[?] to your honors this his petition of freedom against the claim of the said         and prays that he may be ordered to be [illegible], and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c.

Jas. Hoban for Petitioner

Jany 3. 1842


55. 111. 45. 93.

Robert Trunnel
Hope H. Slatter

Petition of freedom.
Jany 3, 1842

Filed 3 Jany 1842