Benjamin Qualls v. Jane W. Stevenson. Petition for Freedom


To the Hon The Judge of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington

The Petition of Benjamin Qualls respectfully represents to your Honor that your Petitioner is now illegally & unjustly held in slavery in the District & County aforesaid by Jane W Stevenson, and that in fact your Petitioner is a free man and your Petitioner respectfully prays that your Honor will hear and determine his case & grant him the relief he is entitled to & your Petitioner will ever pray

Chas. S. Wallach For Petitioner


67 16 50 82 82 78 82 64 44 82

Benjamin Qualls
Jane W Stevenson

Peto for Freedom

Col Brent will please file this petition & issue thereon
Chas. S. Wallach for Petitioner
Apl 8 1845

Filed 8th April 1845.