Dennis Wright v. Elizabeth Robinson & Richard Taylor. Deposition of Elizabeth Alexander


Washington County district of Columbia set

on the 14th day of October 1822

Came Elizabeth Alexander Aged about forty five Before me the subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for said County and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that she is a Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Triplett of Virginia. That That she has been married about twenty six years, that she left her Mothers family at or soon after her marriage that her father was dead some years Before that she Knew Negro Boy Dennis and his mother Dina that they were the Slaves of Thomas Triplett and that Dina was a Slave born in Virginia That after the death of Thomas Triplett the said Slaves remained in the family as part of his Estate, that she does not know at what time Negro Dennis came to the County of Washington in the district of Col nor does she know at what time Mistress[?] Sarah Triplett and her Daughter Margaret removed to the district Col and that Negro Dennis lived some time with her Brother and Mother in Alexandria / more then a year she thinks where they had then taken a House and resided Previously to Negro Dennis Being Brought to the County of Washington in the District of Col that she visited at her mothers frequently at Alexandria, several times in a year.


To a question put by Petitioner she answers that she Remembers Dennis's Mother and Sister in Alexandria but she believes the Girl died Before she was long there

2d Question by the Petitioner do you or do you not Recollect Dennis Liveing in Alexandria Previously to his removal to the County of Washington

Answer Dennis lived with my Brother in Alexandria

3d do you Recollect at what time

answer Before my Brother went to Algiers

The deponant further saith that when the family Broke up House at Alexandria Keeping at Alexandria her mother and Sister removed to Geo Town and her Brother went to Sea that they Lived with Mr Love a year or two in George Town and that Dennis's mother went Back to Virginia where she died; that she does not recollect what went with Dennis.

The deponant further saith not

Danl Buford

Admitted [illegible] as testimony
Augt Taney
Thos Randall

Oct 14th 1822




Filed 14 Octr 1822