Violet v. Henry W. Ball. Summons of Henry W. Ball


To the Honble the Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington.

The Petition of negro Violet and her infant children Chloe & Winny humbly sheweth; that your fair Petitioners are entitled to their freedom and are unjustly held in bondage & claimed as slaves by a certain Henry W. Ball of Washington County aforesaid.

Wherefore your Petitioners being preposed to invoke good their said claim to freedom pray that subpoena may be issued to the said Henry W. Ball directed commanding him to be & appear before your Honors to answer hereunto & such other proceedings & relief in the premises as may be according to Law & seem right to your Honors.

FSKey for Petn


257. app

Violet & Chloe & Winny her children
Henry W. Ball


Mr Beall
File it & issue spa & give certificate to the Petns

filed 14. May 1813